Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Sarah is willing to embrace any holiday. St. Patrick's day is no exception. This day has been on her radar for weeks. She flew out of bed this morning, donned her new green dress and willingly ate a breakfast of green eggs and ham washed down with green milk. Yum?

Mike wasn't as enthusiastic about the green meal. He quietly stuffed the eggs into a tortilla, hoping to disguise the greeny ova. Mmmmm.... Doesn't the phrase greeny ova really get your appetite roaring?

Greeny ova and ham.... Mmmmm. So colorful and jiggly.

Yeah, I think I'll just have another cup of coffee.


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Deby said...

I love Sarah. She throws the house into seasonal excitement and drags you both along for the ride.

Green eggs and ham - how cool!

I did nothing. I'm a dud this year. Next year they'll "get it" so I may try something fun like that.


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