Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This has been the strangest, longest month. And it's not over yet!

Freezing fog has been covering the hills and leaving thorns of ice on some trees:

And on others, the fog decorates with delicate, outstretched crystals:

Familiar objects are weighed down with monstrous forms:

This fog, it slides in and changes our view, green becomes white, the smooth is crystallized.

But today, the sun is warm and confident. The strangeness is vanishing, and the month shortens.


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, our unseasonal warm spell has come to an end, and the kids who wore shorts to school on Monday were pretty chilly.


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! We are so ready for end of
month. December was the snowiest on record and January is now the coldest on record. We are going on25+ days of below freezing temps.
The days start at minus double teen digits and go up to single digits.
We are so excited it MIGHT get into
the 20's this weekend. What should we do? And, What the H_ll
could February bring? Sorry, bad case of Cabin Fever in WI.
Enjoy the Beauty and Splendor of Winter! I really love winter, but I have been tested.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger J Fife said...

Rach - You Californians are funny.

REJ - I'm stunned by the winter that you've had to endure. Well if it gets into the 20's this weekend, you must go skiing! I just read an article that said that Cable, WI is the "Mecca" for cross-country skiing. And the Birke is only 23 days away. You need to train.

Did you know that the girl that won the Birke (skating) last year is from Bend? Yeah, you get smoked on the trails around here.

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Deby said...

Cool pictures! I am waiting for something resembling a normal snow fall for winter here. Bob and I rented x-country skiis and haven't been able to use them yet.


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