Monday, December 08, 2008

World Domination, Lesson 1: Girls Rule and Boys Drool

Sarah is barely squeezing into her outfits again. So on Saturday, we opened up a box of clothes in the next size up from her Aunt Cathy and cousin Caitlin. This is always a thrilling event. The stylish gems that her aunt and cousin send can be breathtaking.

In this box, Sarah zeroed in on a Christmas dress. Without wasting a second, she stripped down and pulled that dress over her head. She twirled in front of the mirror admiring herself. Then she squealed, "I have to show daddy!" She thumped downstairs excitedly.

A few minutes later, she came back upstairs a little slower and said, "I showed daddy my dress, and he said, 'Oh'. Then I showed him how it spinned, and he just said, 'Cool'." With a very serious expression, she said,"Mom, sometimes boys just don't get it."

Ah, sweet baby, if you can only remember that lesson, you're well on your way to ruling the world.

The rest of her morning was spent soaring like a zephyr:


At 4:23 PM, Blogger Deby said...

Please tell Sarah that I think her dress is divine. She twirls better than a fancy ballerina in it.

And more than that - you can tell she feels beautiful in it.

Boys just don't get it. Never do.

At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah, Maggie is putting together
some Music for you! Something you
can really dance to Sista..
Warning she is 15! REJ

At 12:41 PM, Blogger SuperP. said...

Please pass on my compliments, as well! A Beautiful Christmas Dress, Darling! And you look So Beautiful Dancing in it! Love, Penny & Oee. :)


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