Wednesday, June 15, 2005

If Only I Were Paid To Blog

This working while Sarah naps in the daytime and at night after Mike gets home is eating at my blog time. Our new schedule goes something like this:

7 am (that's a total guess, only Mike can tell you the actual time): Sarah starts tossing stuff in her crib.

1 minute after the above time that I hope I never, ever have to witness: Mike rescues Sarah, changes her diaper, feeds the dogs, turns off the baby monitor and barricades the bedroom door.

2 minutes after unknown time: Dogs and Sarah start beating on the barricaded door.

3 minutes after unknown time: Mike does something magical (maybe illegal?) to make the beating on the door stop. Sweet silence...

8 am: Stumble into the kitchen in a mismatched pair of pajamas sporting hair that would have been oh-so-cool in the 80's to find fresh coffee, breakfast and a happy baby.

9 am: Mike leaves for work.

9:01 am: Start counting the hours until Mike returns. When the number goes over 3, stop counting and hit the coffee.

10 am-ish: Sarah screams, cries and fakes a seizure or two before accepting the fact that it's naptime.

10 am-ish until whatever random time she picks to wake up: Sit at the computer and work.

Afternoon: Sarah maintenance (mostly keep her from chopping off appendages and eating trash).

7 pm-ish: Mike is back! Sarah crawls in high-speed circles and screams with glee. I pretty much do the same.

7 pm-ish and 1 second: Hand Sarah and all maintenance over to Mike.

8 pm: Go to the office to start working. Stare at screen for about an hour trying to figure out what I did earlier in the day and how the pretty buttons on the keyboard work.

9 pm: Crank up the music, everything becomes clear, and start being productive.

Midnight-ish: Take dogs out for one last security sweep of the yard. Force my totally awake mind and body to bed.

As you can see, the days are long and the free time is short, but the paycheck is nice and watching Sarah grow is even nicer. Let's just see how long we can sustain this schedule.


At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey julianne, i am so jealous that you can spend all day with her! i think that i could do my work from home. let's see, i could put the huge, very loud, and stinky lab machines in the living room. we don't need a tv! enjoy this time, soon she won't want to be in the same room with you! love, carrie


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