Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Worms Are Our Friends

I took Sarah fishing this weekend. A mom and daughter fishing seemed to be a real novelty among some of the other people at the lake. I don't know why. Girls fish, too. Sometimes even in pairs.

This whole fishing thing was Sarah's idea. She'd been begging to go. I caved in to her excitement, as usual, and took her to Todd Lake.

Here she is with her very own fishing rod. Yes. It is a pink Barbie fishing rod. And yes. She did pay for it with her own money. My hard earned cash isn't a strong supporter of the Barbie machine.

So fishing was fun, but we didn't catch any fish. I like to think that it's because we were forced to use only salmon eggs. Our other bait, night crawlers, were taken in as pets.

Here's Sarah trying to feed her new pet, Flower, a leaf. And yes. There is chocolate smeared across Sarah's mouth.

Here she is admiring that beauty, Flower. She and Flower had a a real special connection.

Yeah. I'm not too worried about that Barbie stuff.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger QT said...

Sweet pics. I love that she befriended the bait!

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Deby said...

Too funny about the worms. After fishing once and having to impale a worm, I've never gone again. But then again, I'm a wimp.

And just so you know, there was a massive 21 pound catfish caught not that long ago by a Barbie fishing pole. Sarah knew what she was doing when she choose that pole.


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