Everything's gonna be alright...
Trader Joe's is in town! It's like I can breathe again.
When we were considering moving out of the Bay Area, I gave Mike a map of Trader Joe's locations and let him know that only cities on that map were acceptable destinations.
When we started house hunting, our current city was not on the Trader Joe's map. There was only a little coming soon blurb on the website, but realtors and potential neighbors assured us that the store would be in town. They promised (I made them).
And four long months later, it happened. Trader Joe's finally opened their doors. Dog bones, Sarah's favorite cereal, tofu, trail mix, dried fruit, triple cream Brie, COFFEE, honey, wine, etc., etc... all at a fraction of the cost of regular grocery store prices!
Oh, and even better. I won't have to pack up and move to a town on the Trader Joe's map.
Can I tell you how much I agree with you?? And we keep moving farther and farther from Trader Joes. We love their canned corn too, and their beans. Yummy.
An adorable present came in the mail today. We all love it. Thank you thank you thank you. I will send you a picture.
I'm so jealous! Wish Trader Joe's would come to our part of middle-of-nowhere-central-rural- Italy... it's not easy finding certain necessities, particularly important for a vegetarian like myself. Enjoy!
We have Trader Joes - now I am waiting for the Costco to be finished and I will be all set!
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