Sunday, March 16, 2008


What do you do when a good friend who just happens to be a semiconductor expert, chocolate connoisseur and overall nice guy visits? Well, first you attempt to calm your thrilled 3-year-old and then you head out for a day of exploration. On this day, our sights turned to the Metolius River area.

Mike and Samuel, the good friend, spent the morning snowshoeing and skiing on Black Butte. Sarah and I met up with them later with the idea of scouting the Wizard Falls Hatchery. And a fine idea it was.

As you approach the fish hatchery, you cross over the Metolius River. This is a gorgeous waterway. The water is clear and cool (this photo is a sad representation of its beauty).

Once at the fish hatchery, you find tanks of brook trout, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, kokanee and Atlantic salmon. Plus, there are fish food dispensers. These are the best part.

Samuel helped Sarah fill her paws with pellets (see, I told you he's a nice guy).

This was the reaction of the fish to the food pellets.

This was Sarah's reaction to the feeding frenzy.

After we'd tired of feeding the seemingly insatiable fish, we drove up the road in search of the origin of the Metolius, aka the Head of the Metolius.

A short hike from the sign above ends at the source of the river, a spring trickling out of the ground.

That spring turns into the amazing river behind us.

Pretty cool. Right? We thought so.

Good times with a great friend in an amazing location. All Sundays should be so kind.


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