Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween Chaos

Our house was full of friends and fun on Halloween night. Plus, our neighborhood has truckloads of trick-or-treaters that swarm in for candy. What I'm getting at here is that I never got a good photo of Sarah in her costume, and I'm blaming it on the chaos of the night.

On to the costume...

A few months ago, Sarah found a Snow Princess costume and swore that it was the only costume for her. Her perfect Halloween costume! She paraded around our house in that costume at every opportunity.

Then around the time of her school's Fall Festival a couple of weeks ago, she started mumbling about wanting to be a witch instead. I was having none of that. I made her dress as a Snow Princess for the festival. I paid a hard earned $14.99 for that outfit, and she was going to wear it. Darn it! Reluctantly, she donned the outfit but adamantly refused to pose for a photo.

Last week, somehow, she got her dad into a costume store, and out they came with a witch costume for her and a knight costume for him. Sigh... So much for my $14.99.

On Halloween, Sarah was in full witch gear early in the afternoon buzzing with excitement. Before heading out with her buddies to trick-or-treat, we snapped a quick photo. But that's all the proof I have of her witch-hood. And I never photographed the knight.

But, it doesn't really matter. Those kids had a blast out begging for candy and a ball of fun handing out mounds of treats at our house. A very good night for ghouls and girls.


At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have done the same thing - refused a costume change after paying for something. And Hal would have bought Hank a new one, and also one for himself (usually $30-40 down here.)



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