Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Where did she go?

Do you remember when I wrote about a baby who hated daycare, who clung to my body begging not to be left behind? Well, we got rid of her. We traded her in for a model that loves daycare. This new kid giggles when we drive into the center's parking lot. Her eyes light up when she sees her playmates and teachers. She can hardly wait to be released into the funness that surrounds her all day long.

This morning, I waved goodbye to this new kid and paused - waiting for heartbreaking crying or whimpering. Nothing. She blinked, looked at me, and was like, "Ok. What are you waiting for? Leave already. I've got some serious playing to do here. You're cramping my style!"

I'm not sure where the daycare despising baby is now, but I don't miss her at all.


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