Thursday, May 19, 2005

Shh! Knock, knock. Who's There? Shh!

This working thing isn't too bad. So far, I've found that my most productive times are at night after the rug-rat is in bed. My tendency has always been to be more of a night owl.

There was a summer in college when I was only taking a couple of classes and working in the evenings. I didn't have to be anywhere until 4 pm. So, I decided that I was going to get in tune with my body's circadian rhythms. I went to bed when I was tired and woke up when I was ready. No alarm clocks - just go with the flow. Did I mention that this was possibly one of the best summers ever? After a few weeks of free living, I found myself going to bed at 4 am and waking at 11 am. I have never been so productive or felt so rested.

Unfortunately, this experiment was for naught. I'm now living in a household with members who have the annoying tendency to let loud noises emanate from their pie holes early in the morning. So, until vocal cord paralysis (I'm thinking Botox injections to the throat) becomes legal, I'm stuck living on a more conventional schedule.


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