Week Number 12
Dear Sarah,
Today you are twelve weeks old. I can't believe that you've been with us for that long. It feels sooo much longer - just kidding. The time has really flown by.
You are now in your third home. That's right. You've spent each month of your life in a new place. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we won't be moving this month. So, you'll have to get used to this old house for a while.
In the past month, you have changed so much. If it weren't for the goat noises that you've made since birth, I wouldn't recognize you at all.
So, this month, you really have gotten a complete handle on the whole smile thing. You give great big gummy grins when we rescue you from your crib, and you are especially smiley when you're on your changing pad. That is still pretty much your favorite place.
You also have started to bring your hands together. You'll sit in your bouncy chair drooling and holding your hands for a nice chunk of time every day. Yeah, drooling. You seem to have sprung a serious leak in the past couple of weeks.
The other thing that you love is dancing. I get to dance around the house with you every day. I'm sure the neighbors get a few giggles out of that. You love the Cowboy Junkies, Nora Jones, U2, and Melissa Etheridge. You despise Nirvana. When we're dancing, I dip you, and you let out little squeals of delight.
Now, all of this dancing does burn some calories, but mom really needs to run. Which brings me to the topic of the baby jogger. I know you hate it, but you're just going to have to accept the fact that large chunks of your childhood are going to be spent in there. Maybe we can compromise, I'll give you 30 minutes of Nirvana-free dancing, and you give me 30 minutes of uninterrupted jogging. Think about it. I'll even throw in some extra dips.
Your Mama
This where you live now.
This is what you look like today.
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